Consumer Behavior in Flea Markets and Marketing to the Bottom of the Pyramid

Journal of Management Research

ISSN: 0972-5814 Online ISSN: 0974-455X

Consumer Behavior in Flea Markets and Marketing to the Bottom of the Pyramid

Maria Petrescu and Dhruv Bhatli


This paper elaborates the consumer behavior in flea markets, a neglected area of retail market place. It analyzes the flea market customer profiles and ponders on its value in modern day retail and how this form of retail can be developed for bottom-of-the-pyramid segments. Using qualitative research through grounded theory, a content analysis was done on 17 interviews taken from buyers and  sellers of flea markets in the US and Romania. The results outline (a) low prices and the possibility to  find deals and bargains are the key selling points for this form of retailing, (b) consumer desires and necessities constitute not only cheap products, but also the rush of finding used and old ‘treasures’, (c)  people and cultural diversity represent a significant part of flea markets advantages, providing for the human need of social interaction and communication, and (d) the differences between consumption practices of American and Romanian flea market consumers.
