Does Social Medium Influence Impulse Buying of Indian Buyers?

Journal of Management Research

ISSN: 0972-5814 Online ISSN: 0974-455X

Does Social Medium Influence Impulse Buying of Indian Buyers?

Bhuvanesh Kumar Sharma, Sunil Mishra and Lokesh Arora


Impulse buying describes any purchase a purchaser makes when it was not premeditated. This paper
is an effort to identify the effect of social media community (SMC) and social media advertisement
(SMA) on impulse purchase intention (IPI). A theoretical model has been developed to identify the
effect of social media community and social media advertisement on impulse purchase intention with the help of Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). The significant path model on the basis of survey data collected from 250 respondents is tested. SPSS v24.0 was used to check the reliability of the questionnaire. The factors influencing impulse purchase intention has been identified and confirmed with the help of factor analyses (exploratory and confirmatory). The result obtained confirmed the positive effect of social media community and social media advertisement on impulse purchase intention. The study also showed a significant covariance between social media advertisement and social media community.

