Relative Rankings and Risks in Marketing Management An Empirical Analysis of Dealer Perceptions and Trade Factors in Dealer Networks

Journal of Management Research

ISSN: 0972-5814 Online ISSN: 0974-455X

Relative Rankings and Risks in Marketing Management An Empirical Analysis of Dealer Perceptions and Trade Factors in Dealer Networks

T. Lakshmanasamy and C. Anil


In marketing of products by the dealers, business networks form an important factor. In such a network relations, the perceptions and attributes of the dealers towards the trade with the other members influence the attachment to the network and the evolution and structure of the networks. The factors that influence trade relations are the commercial factors, social factors, trust factors and information factor. In order to estimate the influence of these factors on network relations, the dealers’ perception of these factors were done initially on a ranking scale, and followed by a rating of the factors. The risk of the members choosing others over the factors was also estimated. A graphic analysis of the network for the ratings of the factors and their individual attributes illustrate that the links among the dealers in the study as directed networks and the emerging network structure was closely identical to that of a rewired network topology.
